Staff Physician, Diagnostic Radiology, Imaging Institute
Years of Experience
19Dr. Safieeldin Ghazala, MD, FRCR, is a Staff Physician in the Imaging Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.
Prior to joining Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, Dr. Ghazala worked as a General Diagnostic Radiologist at Almostaqbal Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Ghazala obtained a Doctorate of Medicine (MD) in Radiology from Ain Shams University, Egypt. He rotated his radiology residency at Cairo University Hospitals and the Egyptian Ministry of Health Hospitals.
Dr. Ghazala obtained the fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists and completed a PET/CT mini fellowship training at University Hospital, Zurich.
Dr Ghazala has been a reviewer of The Journal of Radiology Case Reports since 2017.
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (Doctorate of medicine (MD) in Radiology)
Ganzouri specialized hospital, Cairo, Egypt (Resident, Radiology Dept.)
Almostaqbal hospital, Jeddah, KSA (Associate consultant, Radiology Dept.)