Staff Physician, Diagnostic Radiology, Imaging Institute
Years of Experience
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Dr. Sowmya Veerasuri, MBBS, FRCR, CCT UK, is a Staff Physician within the Imaging Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.
Prior to joining Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, Dr. Veerasuri worked as a Staff Physician (Consultant Radiologist) at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
Dr. Veerasuri received her medical degree from Gandhi Medical College, India. She successfully completed her training in the presitigious Severn Radiology Training Programme and obtained CCT in Radiology from the General Medical Council, UK.
Dr. Veerasuri has extensive experience in benign gynaecology imaging such as endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts. She also has wide-ranging experience in gynaecology related cancer imaging and chaired the regional tumour boards in her previous role.
Dr. Veerasuri was a core member of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme in her previous role and has broad experience in colorectal cancer imaging. She has comprehensive skills in gynaecology and abdominal ultrasound imaging and plain radiographs.
Dr. Veerasuri has strong academic interests and is a peer reviewer for journals and has also published in esteemed journals.
Severn Radiology Training Progam, Bristol, UK (Radiology Resident, Radiology)
South Yorkshire Radiology Training Progam, Sheffield, UK (Radiology Resident, Radiology)
West Yorkshire Training Progam, Wakefield, UK (Foundation Training Program)
Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, India (Medical Internship)
Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, India (Medical Degree)
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Gloucester, UK (Consultant Radiologist, Radiology)
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