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View DoctorsOccupational asthma is asthma caused by or worsened by exposure to substances in the workplace. These substances may cause asthma in one of three ways: an allergic reaction, an irritant reaction, or a reaction in which chemicals that occur naturally in the body build up in the lung, resulting in asthma. For example, healthcare workers can develop an allergy to latex gloves by breathing in the powdered proteins from the inner lining of the gloves. Workers in the chemical industry who are exposed to substances like ammonia can develop asthma due to an irritant effect, not an allergic reaction.
There are numerous substances used in various industries that can cause occupational asthma:
Generally, if symptoms are worse on days that you work, improve when you are at home for any length of time (weekends, vacations) and then reoccur when you return to work, occupational asthma should be considered.
Symptoms include general signs of asthma such as a cough, wheeze, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulty. Eye irritation, nasal congestion, and/or a runny nose may also be present. As stated previously, this can be allergy-related or an irritant reaction from exposure to triggers in the workplace.
If you think you have occupational asthma, ask your doctor about a referral to a specialist, most likely an allergist. The specialist will perform a detailed exam including your medical history and current problems. A treatment plan will be developed, including medications to control asthma and trigger avoidance.
Reducing exposure to the occupational trigger is the most important step that can be taken. Appropriate medical management is also important. However, even with appropriate medications, continued exposure may make asthma more difficult to control.
Employers are required to follow certain guidelines that determine acceptable levels of exposure to substances that may cause asthma. However, if exposure is unavoidable in a particular job, most employers are willing to help the employee find a more suitable workplace. Once the cause of your asthma has been determined, discuss with your healthcare provider how best to approach your employer and what precautions need to be taken.
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This information is provided by Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, part of Mubadala Healthcare, and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition.
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