Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine

Diagnostics Institute

Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Program

  • Overview
  • Diagnosis & Treatment
  • Meet Our Team

Diagnosis & Treatment

For any nuclear medicine or other molecular imaging study, a patient is first referred by a physician in another Institute for the appropriate diagnostic test, according to their condition.

Molecular imaging is an advanced imaging technology that goes beyond the capabilities of standard diagnostic imaging tests that create images of physical structures, like x-ray and ultrasound. Instead, molecular imaging uses biomarkers that interact chemically with their surroundings to show biochemical changes. Injected intravenously, these biomarkers are designed to alter the image being examined according to molecular changes, allowing the physician to see how a specific organ or part of the body is functioning.

Nuclear medicine is a subset of molecular imaging that uses very small quantities of radioactive dye, called a radiotracer, injected intravenously. The radiotracer is designed to either accumulate in a target organ or to attach to specific cells. Specialized scanning equipment detects the radiotracer and generates pictures that show how it is distributed in the body. By examining this distribution pattern, physicians can see how well organs and tissues are functioning and diagnose problems.

After each study, Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Program caregivers compile an integrated report for the referring physician, offering a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s overall condition.

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Meet Our Team

The Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Program at the Diagnostics Institute is staffed by Western-board certified physicians who possess an exceptional depth of expertise in the field. Imaging procedures are performed and interpreted by a team of cross-trained specialists in nuclear medicine, nuclear cardiology, and radiology. Caregivers involved in patient care for this program include:

  • Radiologists
  • Specialized technologists trained in molecular imaging
  • Certified nurses trained to work with patients undergoing molecular imaging procedures.
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