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View DoctorsBelow is a list of research areas within which we currently have active clinical trials and research studies. To find out more information about any of these research areas, or to register your interest in participating in a study, please contact [email protected]. Our research nurses will review your information and contact you to discuss your eligibility and enrolment opportunities. Your participation in our studies can make a significant impact on the future of healthcare.
Eye and Neurology Research
RE 24-004 is a joint study between the Neurology clinic and the Eye institute. The research involves scanning the retina surface (eye) in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. The retina scan will show cells on the surface of the retina, called “microglia.” The study team will count the number of “microglia” and assess their size. Microglia have a direct involvement in multiple sclerosis, the purpose of the study is to determine if the retinal microglia features can be associated with the stage of multiple sclerosis. Healthy Subjects (patients who do not have Multiple Sclerosis) will also be recruited so we can compare the results of these patients with the results from the patients who have Multiple Sclerosis. To be eligible as a Healthy Subject, you must have had an MRI done as part of your routine care prior to joining the study. If you are eligible to participate in this study, you will attend for a scan of your eyes and have your routine neurological exam, there will also be an assessment to check your disability score (Expanded Disability Status Scale), a Nile-Hole Peg Test (9HPT) to evaluate your manual dexterity and arm function, and a 25-Foot Walk Test (25FWT) to assess your mobility and walking speed.
Medication Research
RE 22-033 is a research study that is investigating the effectiveness of different types of insulin (medication for diabetes) regimes in those that have hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) due to steroid use. If you or your family member have been given a steroid medication from your doctor and you also have high blood sugar, then you may be eligible to participate in our study. We will ask some questions about your health and take information from your medical records. The information we collect from your medical record will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected
RE 22-041 is a research study looking at individuals who give themselves insulin (diabetes medication given by injection) at home. The study aim is to understand the knowledge and practices around diabetic care at home. If you or your family member have been given a diagnosis of diabetes and are using insulin, then you may be eligible to participate in our research study. We will ask a short series of questions about your health and take information from your medical records. The information we collect from your medical record will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected
Metabolic Disease Research
RE 22-069 is a research study for UAE (United Arab Emirates) nationals that have been diagnosed with diabetes and have a high body weight. The study will be examining how to better manage these conditions through genetic tests. If you or your family member are currently receiving treatment for weight management and diabetes, and you agree to donate a small amount of blood and/or bodily fluids (such as urine or stool) then you may be eligible to participate in our study. We will also be collecting some information from your medical records. The information we collect from your medical record will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected
Cardiovascular Disease Research
RE 20-040 is a research study which is investigating if medication can help lower the rates of heart problems in individuals that have been given a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes from a doctor but have not had any major heart problems since. The medications given to these individuals are readily available in the market, but the dose of medication is yet to be explored. If you or your family member are eligible and agree to participate in this research study, then you will be asked to do a blood test, and you will be prescribed medication by the doctor if the result of the blood test meets the study inclusion criteria. Our research team will also be asking you a series of questions related to your health and will collect information from your medical records for the next 49 months (about 4 years) of your care at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. The information we collect from your medical record will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected.
Cholesterol Related Diseases Research
RE 22-040 is a research study that looks at an inherited gene that causes high cholesterol in the family (hypercholesterolemia). When you have high cholesterol, there is a higher chance that you may develop heart problems in the future. If you and your family members have been given a diagnosis of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) by a doctor, then we would like to invite you and your family members to participate in our research study. You will be asked to donate a small amount of blood (like a routine blood test) and it will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. We will also collect health information from your medical records for research purposes; any information we collect will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected
RE 22-062 is a study for individuals that have high cholesterol or high lipids (fats) and are currently coming to Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi to receive their first dose of medication called Inclisiran, as well as other medications to help lower cholesterol or lipids. If you are eligible and interested in the study, with your permission, we will collect information about your health from your medical records for research purposes, any information we collect will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected
Radiation Therapy Research
RE 23-009 is a research study that looks at the early warning signs of being unwell such as body temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation, through a small wearable device that is stuck on the chest on individuals that are receiving radiation therapy (a type of cancer treatment). If you or your family member have been scheduled radiation treatment and would like to wear this device which enables a continuous capture of these early warning signs whilst at home, then we would like to invite you to participate in our research study. We will also be collecting information from your medical records. The information we collect from your medical record will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected.
RE 23-004 This study will assess how safe and effective Upadacitinib is in treating adult participants with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis (UC). The study includes patients who are being treated with Rinvoq for UC prior to and independent of the study. This is an observational study that aims to collect real-world data. If you agree to participate your data will be collected during your routine appointments with your treating physician. The information we collect from you and your medical record will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected.
Respiratory Research
RE 23-076 We would like to find out normal exercise values for the Emirati population to allow us to better perform a test called a “cardio-pulmonary exercise test”. If you agree to participate in this study, you will come to our pulmonary lab to perform a cardio-pulmonary exercise test. This test is done on an exercise bike and lasts about 10 minutes. You will only be asked to come once for this test. This is only an exercise test and will not require any blood tests or specimen collection. We aim to perform exercise tests on 100 Emirati people, and the information gathered from these tests will be used to make an Emirati population standard reference range for this test. The information we collect from you for this research will be made anonymous. This means that information such as your name, address, date of birth will not be collected, and your identity will be protected.
What is clinical research?
Clinical research or clinical trials are research programs conducted with voluntary participants. Each program evaluates a new medical treatment, drug or device with the aim of discovering new and improved methods of treating a number of diseases and conditions. During a clinical trial, new treatments are evaluated against treatments that are deemed the most effective that are currently available.
What are the benefits of taking part in a clinical trial?
Who can participate in clinical trials?
Every clinical trial is designed to study individuals with certain diseases or conditions, and guideline criteria set out to match potential participants to the study. Volunteers who fit the criteria may be required to undergo pre-trial tests to make sure they are appropriate for the study.
How do I consent to participating in a clinical trial?
If you are interested in taking part in a clinical trial, you will be given a consent form, which will outline everything involved in the study. Your doctor or nurse will also explain the treatment, including the benefits and risks and you’ll also be able to discuss any questions you may have. If you decide to take part in the study, you will sign the consent form and keep a copy for yourself. Clinical trials are completely voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.
What questions should I ask if I am thinking about taking part in a clinical trial?
Aim to find out as much as possible about the study before you decide to participate. Here are some questions you may want to ask your doctor or nurse: