News 27 Jan 2019 Back to All News

Doctors Call for More Thyroid Screening

Thyroid Awareness Month Supports Faster Diagnosis and Earlier Treatment

​As part of Thyroid Awareness Month, doctors in the UAE are calling for people to consider seeing their doctor for screening if they have concerns about their thyroid health. 

As part of Thyroid Awareness Month, doctors in the UAE are calling for people to consider seeing their doctor for screening if they have concerns about their thyroid health. 

Thyroid cancer was the second most common form of cancer in Abu Dhabi in 2015, according to statistics from the Department of Health. In particular, it affected a higher proportion of women than men. Women are between five and eight times more likely to experience thyroid problems than men, and approximately three times more likely to develop thyroid cancer.

Dr. Samer El-Kaissi, Staff Physician of Endocrinology in the Medical Subspecialties Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, stressed: “Thyroid cancer is an increasingly common form of cancer, and it is important that the disease is detected early so that treatment can begin. Usually, the sooner people are correctly diagnosed, the better their long-term prognosis is.”

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck that produces thyroid hormones to maintain the correct metabolism in the body. When thyroid hormone production is low, the body slows down and when it is high, the body speeds up. Only a small percentage of thyroid issues are cancer-related, so it is important to get a thorough diagnosis.

Dr. Samer said: “When patients come to us with thyroid issues we use a diagnostic blood test to check the hormone level and conduct a physical examination of the lower front part of the neck to check for swelling or nodes. In some cases, we do a scan to either rule out cancer or as part of diagnosing cancer.”

Risk factors for thyroid cancer include having a family history of thyroid cancer, a personal history of radiation exposure, or enlarged lymph nodes. Doctors will ask about symptoms such as pain or swelling in the neck. Other warning signs are experiencing difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, or changes in your voice.

Patients who are concerned about their thyroid gland are advised to see a doctor to get a full diagnosis. Those wishing to book an appointment at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi can visit here.​


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