Patient Stories 01 Jun 2023 Back to Stories

Complex Spinal Surgery Relieves Patient’s Chronic Pain

Complex spinal surgery was the only option to address Hanan’s chronic pain.

Hanan had been living with chronic pain for a long time. She went to the Emergency Department at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi one day as she noticed rapid deterioration in her condition. Within the space of one month, she was experiencing progressive lower extremity weakness. She had lost her balance when trying to walk, needed the assistance of a cane, and was in excruciating pain.

An MRI revealed that Hanan had something called cervical kyphosis. Due to the sudden deterioration of her condition, doctors warned that without surgery, her quality of life would be significantly compromised, she would experience reduced function and possibly lose the ability to walk.

Hanan underwent neurosurgery, which is extremely complicated and complex. A multidisciplinary team of expert surgeons, neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, and specialist nurses all worked together to support the procedure. As the surgery was of Hanan’s spine, the team performed neuromonitoring, to review the neural structures and support such a delicate and risky procedure.

As Hanan’s spinal cord had been affected so severely for a long period of time, this procedure gave her instant relief and she experiences quick recovery post-surgery. She was able to move her arms and legs, and the weakness and numbness had subsided. Today, Hanan can do all the activities she loved previously. She is extremely active once again, enjoying things like yoga and long walks with her family.

Hanan says, “Living with chronic pain is not easy. I found ways to manage it, but it came at a huge cost. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is a wonderful place with a wonderful team. Supported by my husband, family and the wider community, there was no better place to receive care both pre- and post-surgery.”

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