Patient Stories 01 Jun 2023 Back to Stories

The right medical team and an early diagnosis save heart patient

Mitral valve disease often goes undiagnosed. Thanks to Iskandar’s swift diagnosis and minimally invasive surgery by a multidisciplinary team of experts at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, he was able to recover quickly and get back to his fit and healthy lifestyle.

Iskandar was a fit, healthy and athletic person, so when he began to experience heart palpitations, he was shocked to be diagnosed with a mitral valve prolapse.

Diseases of the mitral valve affect a significant proportion of the UAE population. However, many people simply associate the symptoms, such as tiredness and shortness of breath, with getting older and aren’t aware they have the condition.

Luckily, Iskander was referred to Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi’s Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute as soon as he noticed symptoms. A multidisciplinary team met to review his case in detail and decide on the most appropriate treatment.

Sophisticated cardiac imaging technology allowed doctors to accurately identify the area of damage within Iskandar’s heart and as a team, plan the safest and most effective treatment. They were able to determine that a minimally invasive, endoscopic procedure was possible, avoiding high-risk, open-heart surgery that would aid fast recovery.

Iskander’s mitral valve repair was successful, and he recovered very quickly from the procedure. He was up and about within days and today, he is back doing all the athletic activities and sports he enjoys.

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