Eye Misalignment & Movement Disorders
Eye Misalignment & Movement Disorders

Integrated Surgical Institute

Eye Misalignment & Movement Disorders

  • Overview
  • Diagnosis & Treatment
  • Meet Our Team


The Eye Misalignment & Movement Disorders team at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi’s Integrated Surgical Institute provide state-of-the-art diagnosis, treatment, and comprehensive follow-up for adults, children, and infants with misalignment and movement disorders of the eye.

The Integrated Surgical Institute treats patients with both congenital and acquired eye misalignment and movement disorders. Conditions addressed by the caregiver team include strabismus (crossed eyes), nystagmus (shaking eyes), and gaze limitations that may or not be associated with double vision (diplopia) or abnormal head positions.

A team of highly trained orthoptists (caregivers who specialize in eye movement disorders) and ophthalmologists employ advanced technologies and procedures to provide the highest standard of Patients First care for patients affected by this group of disorders.

What We Treat

The multidisciplinary Eye Misalignment & Movement Disorders team diagnose and treat a range of eye disorders. These include:

  • Esotropia (inward eye misalignments, or strabismus)
  • Exotropia (outward eye misalignments)
  • Hypertropia (vertical eye misalignments)
  • Nystagmus (shaking eyes)
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye).

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