A helpful checklist so you can prepare for your visit to Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.
Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time and bring the following items:
Photo ID (preferably Emirates ID for residents and passport for non-residents)
Valid insurance card(s), where applicable, and reimbursement forms
A valid form of payment accepted at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (cash, Manager's cheques, credit or debit cards)
All medicines that you are currently taking, including prescription and non-prescription medication, over-the-counter medicines, herbal and dietary supplements
A list of allergies and sensitivities
Copy of your medical records in English, including but not limited to your current diagnosis, x-ray, films, laboratory test results, etc.( Please note, if you are bringing images and scans on CD, please arrive 1.5 hours prior to your appointment to allow for upload to our systems)
Any special directions from your doctor about diet or medication restrictions prior to your appointment
Appropriate warm clothing, as our medical campus is kept cool to protect and ensure proper functioning of medical equipment
DO NOT BRING any valuables, including jewelry or large amounts of cash.