Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation ​Program
Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation ​Program

Surgical Subspecialties Institute

Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation ​Program

  • Overview
  • Diagnosis & Treatment
  • Meet Our Team


The Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation Program at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi helps patients who are experiencing any degree of hearing loss.

Hearing loss is the most common sensory weakness, affecting up to 5% of the world’s population. According to the WHO, by 2050 almost 2.5 billion people will have some degree of hearing loss, of which 700 million will require rehabilitation.

In addition to significantly impacting quality of life, hearing loss has been associated with increased rates of depression as well as worsening of dementia in affected people.

The multidisciplinary team at the Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation Program consists of experienced audiologists, as well as ear, nose and throat doctors and speech therapists, who are dedicated to helping those experiencing hearing loss to improve their hearing and overall quality of life.

What We Treat

There are two main types of hearing loss:

  • Conductive hearing loss: This happens when sounds do not reach the inner ear and can be caused by a variety of things including cerumen (wax) in the ear canal, tympanic membrane perforation, middle ear infections, or problems with the ossicles. Conductive hearing loss can often be treated surgically.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss: Caused by poor function of the small cells in the inner ear or of the nerves of hearing. It can be caused by exposure to loud noises, age and genetics, viral infection, or in rare cases tumors of the nerves of hearing and the brain. Sensorineural hearing loss is typically treated with amplification with hearing aids, and, in severe cases, cochlear implantation.

When both a conductive and sensorineural hearing loss are present, it is called mixed hearing loss.


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